Welcome to the Blog page. Here you can find all of the allergy articles that have been added to the site. For your convenience they have been tagged with the relevant country so use the autocomplete box below to filter the articles to your country of interest.
Visiting Slovenia
Visiting the Big Apple
As you might imagine, travelling to a country in which you can speak the language makes getting by with an Allergy that much easier, but this is certainly not a reason to become complacent.
Visit to Hong Kong
Hong Kong was the first stop for the initial Travelling with Allergies tour. The first feeling experienced was that Hong Kong certainly lives up to its name as the "international city of Asia", so much so that it is not difficult to orientate yourself at all once reaching the city.
Trip to Romania
Flying solo for the first time to a country none of my family had ever been to was thrilling. Not knowing the language, or having any accommodation perhaps less so but I was assured my good friend was to pick me up on arrival.