Visiting San Marino
San Marino is a tiny country encompassed within Italy. After a short bus journey from the seaside resort of Rimini you are transported to the capital city, City of San Marino. Make your ascent along the ancient and winding stone paths as they twist their way uphill and you navigate past cute cafes, restaurants, fashion and souvenir shops. Along the journey there are three towers you can visit, the largest of which, Torre Guaita, sits at the apex of the mountain from where you are afforded stunning views of San Marino and beyond, to Rimini and the Adriatic Sea.
As San Marino is nestled within Italy, the cuisine is similar to that of its larger neighbour and therefore wheat is a major ingredient. A good suggestion would be to sit in any one of the cafes with a cappuccino and enjoy a session of people watching before making your way to the top and enjoying a meal with a beautiful sunset in the background.
Similar to the major cities in Italy, there is an extremely high level of English speakers throughout San Marino, so there was no issue in communicating allergy concerns with staff at any of the restaurants. Pizza and pasta dishes seemed frequent on the menus of the restaurants visited, however there were many other options available.
On this trip, the restaurant which stood out when visiting was Bar Piadineria La Capanna, just before Torre Guaita, due to the views afforded from the tables. As mentioned before, communicating allergy requirements to the waiter was not a concern as it was perfectly fine to communicate in English.
All in all, I feel that San Marino doesn’t provide any particular challenges to those travelling with allergies and would highly recommend a short visit in order to enjoy a beautiful stroll and magnificent view.