Travelling with Allergies to visit China
Travelling with Allergies will soon be travelling around Hong Kong and China with the intention of managing travel to a country with food that is commonly associated with nuts, peanuts, seafood and fish when living with an allergy. Each city or region that we visit, we will be posting anything allergy related that may be relevant to our audience, from the experiences in restaurants, accommodations, street food and everything else.
As we travel across the both China and Hong Kong we will encounter many different cuisines will report back any allergy advice we encounter first hand. As we all know travelling with allergies can be difficult when visiting any new region, but we strongly feel that an allergy should never be a reason to discourage travel. As we travel from region to region, we will come across a whole range of different foods, from the notorious spicy foods of Sichuan to the foods sold by street vendors. We will share our experiences on how real the common thoughts regarding Chinese cuisine are, such as ever presence of nuts and peanuts or the thought pattern that milk and dairy products are seldom seen.
In addition to covering the Chinese foods we come across from city to city, from Guangzhou to Beijing, we will also be on the lookout for more familiar food alternatives for our western audiences, so that someone may choose to eat in a setting which may be more suited to cater for their particular allergy, from globalised fast food chains to independent restaurants offering western style dishes and everything in between. These establishments can often provide reassurance, especially to those travelling to new areas without local knowledge or for those with severe allergies to common allergens in the area.
All that said, if you have any questions, or would like to see anything allergy related in particular covered while Travelling with Allergy travels around China and Hong Kong, please don't hesitate to leave a message in our comment section below, Facebook Page, Google Plus Page or Twitter Page. We want to be as useful to our readers as possible so contact us with any allergy concerns you may have with regards to China or Hong Kong, from food allergies to skin allergies. Let's help keep the community travelling with allergies safely.