Traditional Food: Tavče gravče/Тавче гравче (Butter beans, onion, peppers and spices), Ajvar/aјвар (Pepper and garlic relish), Ćevapi (Meat dish with onions, Ajvar/aјвар and items such as cheese containing Milk), Börek (Meat filled pastry (Wheat)), Malidzano (Spread made from Nuts, cheese (MilkWheat) dish), Pastrmalija (Bread (Wheat) meat pie), Kačamak (Corn porridge), Sarma (Cabbage leaves with different fillings, sometimes Nuts), Zelnik (Pastry (Wheat) containing Egg and sometimes cheese (Milk)), Tarator (Dip containing garlic, yoghurt (Milk and sometimes Nuts).
Allergies to watch out: Milk, Nuts, Wheat.
Language Spoken: Macedonian.