Food Allergy Labels in Australia and New Zealand
This Allergy Awareness Week News Article focuses on both Australia and New Zealand, countries that share their legislation on food allergy labels. If travelling to either Australia or New Zealand, it is important to understand what allergens must be stated. Also check out previous news articles for food allergy labelling in the USA, EU and Japan.
Following the research discovering the "Big 8" antigens, the antigens which trigger approximately 90% of all allergic reactions, by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Australia and New Zealand were among the first countries to implement laws in 2002, requiring that these antigens; fish, crustaceans, wheat, egg, peanuts, milk, nuts and soybean be stated on packaged foods. In addition to these foods, there is also a legal requirement for sesame to be stated.
Aside from the 9 antigens that must be stated, warning statements must be shown when ingredients include royal jelly, sulphites (sulfites) at a level of 10 mg per kg of food and gluten. Further information can be found on the Food Standards Website.